Hear Me Out Cake : Flynn Rider (Tangled) - Il sorriso. Il sarcasmo. I capelli. Shego (Kim Possible) - La cattiva originale con atteggiamento. Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) - Un ragazzo goth con poteri e fascino. Shrek (Shrek) - Perché capisce che gli strati sono importanti. Kovu (Il Re Leone II) - La definizione di "tossico, ma posso curarlo". Zuko (Avatar: L'ultimo dominatore dell'aria) - Il modello di energia da nemico ad amante. Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) - Caotico, distruttivo, ma leale fino al midollo. Roxanne (A Goofy Movie) - La ragazza cool della porta accanto prima che diventasse un tropo. Hercules (Hercules) - Energia himbo dal cuore tenero. Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) - L'atmosfera "misteriosa e incompresa". Jessie (Toy Story) - Avventurosa, impavida e divertente. Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove) - Stupido ma da marito 100%. Aladdin (Aladdin) - Intelligente di strada con un cuore d'oro. Megara (Hercules) - Icona di sfrontatezza e autoconservazione. Diego (L'era glaciale) - Brontolone ma segretamente tenero. Nick Wilde (Zootopia) - Una volpe dalla parlantina facile ma con un lato tenero. Max Goof (A Goofy Movie) - Imbarazzante ma dolce, e un'atmosfera di totale simpatia. Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Nerd nel modo migliore. Kim Possible (Kim Possible) - Cervello, muscoli e un guardaroba da urlo. Stregatto (Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie) - Sconvolgente, ma comprensibile.

Flynn Rider (Tangled) – The smirk. The sarcasm. The hair.Shego (Kim Possible) – The original baddie with attitude.Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) – Goth boy with powers and charm.Shrek (Shrek) – Because he gets that layers are important.Kovu (The Lion King II) – The definition of “toxic, but I can fix him.”Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) – The blueprint for enemies-to-lovers energy.Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) – Chaotic, destructive, but loyal to the core.Roxanne (A Goofy Movie) – The cool girl-next-door before it was a trope.Hercules (Hercules) – Soft-hearted himbo energy.Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) – The “mysterious, misunderstood” vibe.Jessie (Toy Story) – Adventurous, fearless, and fun.Kronk (The Emperor’s New Groove) – Dumb but 100% husband material.Aladdin (Aladdin) – Street-smart with a heart of gold.Megara (Hercules) – Icon of sass and self-preservation.Diego (Ice Age) – Grumpy but secretly soft.Nick Wilde (Zootopia) – Smooth-talking fox with a soft side.Max Goof (A Goofy Movie) – Awkward but sweet, and a total vibe.Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) – Nerdy in the best way.Kim Possible (Kim Possible) – Brains, brawn, and a killer wardrobe.Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) – Unhinged but relatable.
Nicole created, prompt is: Flynn Rider (Tangled) – The smirk. The sarcasm. The hair.
Shego (Kim Possible) – The original baddie with attitude.
Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) – Goth boy with powers and charm.
Shrek (Shrek) – Because he gets that layers are important.
Kovu (The Lion King II) – The definition of “toxic, but I can fix him.”
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) – The blueprint for enemies-to-lovers energy.
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) – Chaotic, destructive, but loyal to the core.
Roxanne (A Goofy Movie) – The cool girl-next-door before it was a trope.
Hercules (Hercules) – Soft-hearted himbo energy.
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) – The “mysterious, misunderstood” vibe.
Jessie (Toy Story) – Adventurous, fearless, and fun.
Kronk (The Emperor’s New Groove) – Dumb but 100% husband material.
Aladdin (Aladdin) – Street-smart with a heart of gold.
Megara (Hercules) – Icon of sass and self-preservation.
Diego (Ice Age) – Grumpy but secretly soft.
Nick Wilde (Zootopia) – Smooth-talking fox with a soft side.
Max Goof (A Goofy Movie) – Awkward but sweet, and a total vibe.
Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) – Nerdy in the best way.
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) – Brains, brawn, and a killer wardrobe.
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) – Unhinged but relatable.

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Autore: Nicole
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