Torta Hear Me Out: la formica di Bugs Life, BayMax, MegaMind, Matilda, Jake di Subway Surfers, Barbie, Olaf, Batman, Elsa, la teiera di La Bella e la Bestia, Agnus di Despicable me, l'ippopotamo di Madagascar, Eve di Wall-E, MegaBot, Gem di Big Hero 6

The ant from Bugs Life, BayMax, MegaMind, Matilda,Jake from subway Surfers, Barbie, Olaf, Batman, Elsa, The Tea Pot from Beauty and Beast, Agnus From Despicable me, Hippo From Madagascar, Eve from Wall-E, MegaBot, Gem from big Hero 6
Andre created, prompt is: The ant from Bugs Life, BayMax, MegaMind, Matilda,Jake from subway Surfers, Barbie, Olaf, Batman, Elsa, The Tea Pot from Beauty and Beast, Agnus From Despicable me, Hippo From Madagascar, Eve from Wall-E, MegaBot, Gem from big Hero 6

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Autore: Andre
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